|Degree|suffix| |------|------| |1 |p | |2 |t | |3 |k | |4 |m | |5 |n | |6 |l | |7 |f | |8 |s | |9 |ʃ | |lufu-|Opinion| |-----|------| |1 |absolutely hate| |2 |very much dislike| |3 |generally dislike| |4 |dislike a little| |5 |neutral opinion| |6 |like a little| |7 |generally like| |8 |very much like| |9 |absolutely love| |ginu-|Temporal Position| |-----|------| |1 |in the remote past| |2 |in the past| |3 |in the recent past| |4 |just past| |5 |in the present| |6 |just about to, imminent| |7 |soon| |8 |in the future| |9 |in the distant future| |fidu-|Semantic Role| |-----|------| |1 |agent| |2 |stimulus| |3 |experiencer| |4 |patient| |5 |theme| |6 |beneficiary| |7 |recipient| |8 |cause| |9 |purpose| |fubi-|Descriptor Reference| |-----|------| |1 |refers to the closest noun preceeding it| |2 |refers to the descriptor immediately preceeding it| |3 |refers to the descriptor two ahead of it| |4 |refers to the descriptor three ahead of it| |5 |refers to the descriptor four ahead of it| |6 |refers to the descriptor five ahead of it| |7 |refers to the descriptor six ahead of it| |8 |refers to the descriptor seven ahead of it| |9 |refers to the descriptor eight ahead of it| If you need to refer to a descriptor farther than that, consider structuring your sentence differently. |ʃupi-|Comparisons| |-----|------| |1 |in the least possible degree| |2 |less than the comparative| |3 |the least within the comparative group| |4 |less than or equal to the comparative| |5 |the same as the comparative| |6 |more than or equal to the comparative| |7 |the most within the comparative group| |8 |more than the comparative| |9 |to the greatest possible degree| |ʃupa-|Compared to an External Standard| |1 |below an external standard, and so is the comparative| |2 |below an external standard that the comparative meets| |3 |below an external standard that the comparative exceeds| |4 |below an external standard| |5 |at the level of an external standard| |6 |exceeding an external standard| |7 |exceeding an external standard, and so is the comparative| |8 |exceeding an external standard, that the comparative just meets| |9 |exceeding an external standard, that the comparative fails to meed| |ʃupu-|Previous Comparison| |-----|------| |1 |the previous comparison to the comparative is unknown| |2 || |3 || |4 |was previously less than the comparative| |5 |was previously the same as the comparative| |6 |was previously more than the comparative| |7 || |8 || |9 |the previous comparison to the comparative is irrelavant or inapplicable| zzz keep it like this or just have five options? |ʃuti-|Quality Being Compared| |-----|------| |1 |area/volume| |2 |distance| |3 |amount| |4 |intensity| |5 |duration| |6 |style| |7 |quality| |8 |efficiency| |9 |final outcome| |sabi-|Conjunction Group 1| |-----|------| |1 |*and*: this option is included in the conjunction| |2 |this option may be included, but cannot if all others are| |3 |this option may be included, but cannot if any others are| |4 || |5 |*or*: this option may be included, and must be if it is the only one| |6 |both 2 and 5| |7 |*exclusive or*: both 3 and 5| |8 |this option may or may not be included, without restriction| |9 |*not*: this option is not included in the conjunction| **saba-** **Conjunction Group2** This works the same as sabi-, but defines a separate group. **sabu-** **Conjunction Group2** This works the same as sabi-, but defines a separate group. |guki-|Extent or General Degree| |-----|------| |1 |not at all, none| |2 |hardly at all, almost compeletly lacking, minimal| |3 |a little| |4 |less than average| |5 |average| |6 |more than average| |7 |a lot| |8 |almost completely| |9 |completely, at a maximum| |dini-|Degree of Size| |-----|------| |1 |too small| |2 |tiny| |3 |small| |4 |smaller than average| |5 |average, just right| |6 |larger than average| |7 |large| |8 |huge| |9 |too big| |paga-|Degree of Speed| |-----|------| |1 |too slowly| |2 |very slowly| |3 |slowly| |4 |slower than average| |5 |average, just right| |6 |faster than average| |7 |fast| |8 |very fast| |9 |too fast| |dodu-|Emotional Response| |-----|------| |1 |maximally dislike| |2 |hate| |3 |negative, dislike| |4 |slightly negative| |5 |neutral, no emotional response| |6 |slightly positive| |7 |positive, like| |8 |love| |9 |maximally like| |dodu-|Physical Response| |-----|------| |1 |maximally painful| |2 |severe pain| |3 |pain| |4 |uncofortable| |5 |neutral, no physical response| |6 |soothing| |7 |pleasure| |8 |great pleasure| |9 |maximally pleasurable| |kuga-|Enlisted Ranks| |-----|------| |1 |private, seaman recruit, airman basic| |2 |private second class, seaman apprentice, airman| |3 |private first class, seaman, lance corporal, airman first class| |4 |corporal, petty officer third class, senior airman| |5 |sergeant, petty officer second class| |6 |staff sergeant, petty officer first class, technical sergeant| |7 |sergeant first class, chief petty officer, gunnery sergeant| |8 |master sergeant, senior chief petty officer| |9 |sergeant major, master chief petty officer| |dimi-|Officer Ranks| |-----|------| |1 |lieutenant, ensign| |2 |captain| |3 |major, lieutenant commander| |4 |lieutenant colonel, commander| |5 |colonel, captain (navy)| |6 |brigadier general, rear admiral lower half| |7 |major general, rear admiral| |8 |lieutenant general, vice admiral| |9 |general, admiral| |sutu-|Non-Literal Usage| |-----|------| |1 |metaphorical(ly)| |2 |metonymic(ly)| |3 |hyperbolic(ly)| |4 || |5 || |6 || |7 || |8 || |9 || Without one of these modifiers, words are assumed to be meant literally. |sida-|Degree of Consent| |-----|------| |1 |against stated/explicit wish known to other participants| |2 |against assumed/implied wish known to other participants| |3 |against stated/explicit wish unknown to other participants| |4 |against assumed/implied wish unknown to other participants| |5 |has no opinion| |6 |in accordance with implied wish unknown to other participants| |7 |in accordance with explicit wish unknown to other participants| |8 |in accordance with implied wish known to other participants| |9 |in accordance with explicit wish known to other participants| zzz this sometimes could be applied to a third party otherwise not included in the sentence. Can we have a role for such a third party? would that be useful in cases other than this mod? can they be put in experiencer? I need to try out some different sentences and see. maybe observer role that sees or is aware of the action but does not participate in any way? |kalu-|Degree of Enablemen/Resistance| |-----|------| |1 |unable to affect the result| |2 || |3 |ineffectively resists result| |4 |resists result to some degree| |5 |accepts result/doesn't resist| |6 |ineffectively attempts to aid the result| |7 |aids in the result| |8 || |9 |requests the result| zzz should these be "resists the action" instead of "result"? The result might be ambiguous, but the action is stated. |foʃu-|Expectation/Deliberateness| |-----|------| |1 |unintentionally/accidentally| |2 |unknowingly| |3 |intentionally, but with no particular expectation| |4 |surprised that it happened| |5 |didn't expect| |6 |as expected| |7 |thought would be easier| |8 |thought would be more difficult| |tini-|Color Lightness and Saturation| |-----|------| |1 |low saturation, dark (25% max chroma at this hue, min lightness)| |2 |low saturation, medium (25% max chroma at this hue, avg lightness)| |3 |low saturation, bright (25% max chroma at this hue, max lightness)| |4 |medium saturation, dark (50% max chroma at this hue, min lightness)| |5 |medium saturation, medium (50% max chroma at this hue, min lightness)| |6 |medium saturation, bright (50% max chroma at this hue, min lightness)| |7 |high saturation, darker (75% max chroma at this hue, min lightness)| |8 |highest saturation (maximum chroma for this hue)| |9 |high saturation, lighter (75% max chroma at this hue, max lightness)| These degrees are general descriptions. The values in parenthesis give a sample using CIELCh color values. For instance, "50% max chroma at this hue, min lightness" means find the maximum in-gamut chroma for the given hue, use half that chroma, and find the lowest in-gamut lightness.